
Hawaiian pidgin
Hawaiian pidgin

shoots sure thing, sure pau done olo's or ala'alas men's gentialia all around da bu's ass fat see also momona momona fat obese overweight healthy basuda peurto rican for trash ukus head lice uku pile plenty pilau dirty au'au' bathe poho head maka eyes ihu nose waha mouth a'ole wala'au shut up pepeiao ears lima hands manamana lima fingers kuli knees waiwai feet manamana waiwai toes kalahapas big feet da kine the kind, whatchamacallit smash pound grinds mop eat also means whoop ur ass kaukau also means eat fufuna samoan or tongan ladies da kine Hoku star limo seaweed noho ilalo sit down ku ilima stand up keiki kid wahine woman kane man lua bathroom ma'i ladies monthly visitor lomi lomi rub massage ulu breadfruit uce samoans refer to each other doo doo kagau diarrhea punch all yoa face hit u repeatedly in your face beef, scrap fight poke or pokee raw fish, a delicantesse for hawaiians and other islanders alike, also pronunciation varies and can mean intercouse pu in sai put in side Hauna stink banana The haole japanee No make please refrain from irritating me. A third language, Hawaii Creole English or Pidgin, is an informal language, originating from the communication between native Hawaiians, plantation owners and immigrant laborers.

hawaiian pidgin hawaiian pidgin

Manini kine little da kine "whatchamacallit" the kind of. Hawaii is the only US state to have two official languages: English and Hawaiian.

Hawaiian pidgin